Wednesday 14 January 2009

Day 3 Fatloss Challenge

Well, Day 3 and I'm getting into the swing of things now.

Still no sign of any withdrawal symptoms yet although I'm NOT counting my chickens too soon. From previous times of following my report I personally have a tendancy to get sweet cravings and mild headaches from eliminating sugar but it might be different thi times round (We'll see!). No major side effects (such as bloating, gas etc) as yet, although I'm aware of it so I'm looking forward to maybe experiencing some of those at some point....hmmm not!

Have had a VERY busy morning today and I have a busy afternoon and evening ahead of me so I'm just chilling for a bit after my garden workout. It was only 20 minutes but hey, it's better than nothing and I put a big effort in for those 20 minutes.

Gotta dash,

Speak with you tomorrow and in the mean time, here's a fun video that you should watch before your next workout and another reason why you don't need to be a member of a health club or a gym to to get the fatloss results you're after : )

Watch this now and don't forget to turn your speakers up! : )

Sam Winkworth

ps - don't forget to leave me a message here to see how you're getting on ok?

pps - Feeling brave?

Tell me what you weigh and some of your measurements so that we can track your progress over the 30 days.

Feeling braver?

Submit a photograph or start your very own diet blog and chronicle your own journey.

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