Friday 18 September 2009

Barbell Circuit

I get alot of questions asking what the best fatloss workouts are.

Good question this...what IS the best fat loss workout?

Having researched over a thousand different workouts during my 13 years as a fat loss coach and tried and tested every single one on both myself and my clients, I can safely say now that the best fat loss workouts are the ones that create the most metabolic disturbance.

This is how many calories you burn both during and after exercise known as EPOC (Exercise post-oxygen consumption).

This won't happen if you do long, slow, boring, steady state cardio like jogging or swimming.

You'll only create metabolic disturbance (EPOC) by performing weights and interval training.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking the long slow cardio workout, it's just that it's not the best for burning body fat that's all.

Interval training is research-proven to be far more effective for burning calories.

It can be done on a treadmill, on a bike, with weights or just your bodyweight.

Below is a great barbell circuit I've devised for you that can be done instead of your intervals. It still works in the same way as if you were doing your intervals on a treadmill or bike and you'll also create metabolic disturbance aswell.

Have a play around with the weight,although you may want to select a weight that you can comfortably shoulder press because when you come to this exercise, you don't want to be changing the weight around.

Here's what it looks like on paper:

8 x Regular Deadlifts
8 x Romanian Deadlifts
8 x Upright Rows
8 x Front Squats
8 x Shoulder Press
8 x Lunges

Rest for 1/2 minutes then repeat that 3 times. Killer !!!

Train hard and be strong,


> Let me know how you go in the comments section below <

Thursday 10 September 2009

Your Weekend Workout - Kettlebell Bodyweight Workout

Here's a great workout you can try out this weekend whether you're a beginner, intermediate or advanced.

If you're new to exercise and aren't too sure on some of the movements shown in the video then you could do normal squats instead of the overhead squats, kneeling push ups instead of regular ones and burpees without the jump.

You can also build up to the designated reps aswell. You could do 5-10 reps on everything instead of 10-20 to make it a little easier.

The workout should take you no longer than 30 minutes (if you work fast).

Good luck,

Sam : )

Wednesday 2 September 2009

My Shopping List For Fat Loss (plus my number one diet secret)

This month I'm giving up wheat, dairy processed food and alcohol for a full 30 days.

I figured over the summer hols I have been a bit lapse with my diet. Various foods that I'd given up at the start of the year have slowly crept back in to my diet. I've also been feeling a little sluggish of late so I've decided for the month of September to clean my diet up.

For the next 30 days, I'll be completely giving up:

1)All forms of wheat (so that's bread, pasta,cakes,various cereals)

2)Dairy (Just cow's milk and cheese)

3)Processed food (anything tinned, canned, boxed or packaged)

4)Alcohol & Caffeine.

And here's my number one diet secret for Fat Loss:

"Fill your shopping basket with nothing other than animal products (meat, turkey, chicken, fish), fresh fuit and vegetables."

And here's my shopping list for this week:

Animal Products

6 x chicken Drumsticks
2 x Mackeral fillets
2 x rump steaks


6 x apples
6 x pears
6 x bananas
Tub of blueberries


Cherry Tomatoes
Celery Sticks
Mixed Peppers

Other Products

Organic rye Krisp bread
Natural Live Greek yoghurt
Organic Houmous
Almond Milk
Mixed Nuts
6 x Organic Eggs

All this cost me £40 and should last me for the week. More proof that it doesn't break the bank when you shop for organic products.

Try this number one diet secret for fat loss and let me know how you go.


PS - You'll get lots of food ideas, recipes and meal plans when you download my free fat loss report

Let me know if you have any nutrition questions in the comments section below.